News and Events

Lent Group – ‘Come and See’

Do join us for year’s Lent Group – Thursdays at 2.30pm in St James’ Centre. As in previous years, we are joining with churches across the Diocese in our Lent reflections. This year’s theme is Baptism, and each week we are exploring different aspects of what it is to be human, and what it is to be baptised as a Christian.

Easter Services

Everyone is most welcome – do join us:

Sunday 13 April (Palm Sunday)
8am Holy Communion (BCP)
11am Parish Communion

Thursday 17 April (Maundy Thursday)
7.30pm Maundy Thursday Communion

Friday 18 April (Good Friday)
11am Good Friday Service for all the family
2pm Good Friday Meditation at Combe church

Saturday 19 April (Easter Saturday)
7.30pm Easter Liturgy

Sunday 20 April (Easter Day)
8am Holy Communion (BCP)
11am Easter Parish Communion

Restoration Work Completed!

An architectural survey of our Parish Church of St James the Great in 2021 showed that it needed considerable repairs, including to stonework, roof tiles, windows, the tower stairs and other features. Once Covid had receded, the Parochial Church Council agreed to fundraise for this work, to ensure that the Church is maintained and preserved for today and for future generations of Stonesfield residents.

With the help of our architect Nick Cox and heritage builder Peter Hawkins, the work was costed at £120,000 + VAT, and fundraising began in 2023, in the church’s 800th year. An appeal was made to the village and many members of the church and village community responded generously. Grants were received from the Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust, Benefact Trust, Garfield Weston Foundation, National Churches Trust and AH Lynall Foundation which, together with a generous legacy to the Church, enabled the full cost of the repairs to be covered.

After careful preparation the work began in the summer of 2024 and was completed on time at the end of November 2024, and within our final budget of £132,500 plus VAT. Scaffolding and boarding was removed, to the joy of the whole community, revealing beautifully restored stone and roofs, topped with a renovated and re-gilded clockface and weathervane.

We are so grateful to all who supported this important restoration work and are delighted that the church is now is such a good state of repair. It is the oldest building in Stonesfield and with our continued care it will continue to serve the community and will be a welcoming place of worship for many centuries to come.

Revd Ralph Williamson

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